We have sailed her now a few times and we are loving our adventures. We are also spending quite a bit of time doing repairs and fixing her up to make our stay on board as comfortable as possible. This week I decided that we should have some cockpit cushions. So I went shopping and came up with a brainstorm of what I can make at home. I purchased 2 camping ground pads. They are made out of the swimming noodle styrofoam. Even if they get wet they will not absorb water. I also purchased a vinyl material to cover it with. It will be water, stain and dirt resistant. I can just wipe them off with a cloth. The down side is that they are navy blue. If I had my choice of colors in the store I probably would have gone with a light grey. The navy will get hot in the sun so I am guessing that we will have our towels on them. But in the heat it will be nice to be able to drench the towels in the lake and sit on them on the pads. No worries of the cushions getting wet. I will send a picture later as well once we get them on the boat.
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